Social Media Pressures: Why I’m Not Participating in the Quarantine Olympics

As someone who is struggling both mentally and financially during this crisis (yet VERY blessed with an incredible support system) I wanted to discuss some thoughts that I suspect others may be experiencing as well...but aren’t comfortable sharing. There’s some good and some bad, but please note my critique is not aimed at negativity or to stifle anyone’s spirits. We need high spirits now more than ever! Instead, my aim is to discuss our online behaviors and the impact that they may have on our community friends. Also note, much of this writing exercise was done as my own method of venting and working through a complex set of emotions. A public diary, if you will. Some of which is hypocritical and irrational. And some of which is just, goofy. But alas, this is a pandemic and I don’t think we are required to make complete sense right now. So we will grade this on a curve. Actually, let’s not talk about curves for awhile... 

Covid-19 and this quarantine have stirred up some interesting observations that have been hard for me to articulate. It’s a feeling that I started getting while I watched, and even participated in some of the initial responses to the worldwide lockdowns. There was the observation of general apathy and lack of regard for the situation in itself. However, by now I think we all realize where that has gotten I won’t belabor that point. 

What followed on social media in the coming days has been especially strange to me. I’ve dubbed it The Quarantine Olympics. My definition: a series of online social behaviors serving to establish a perceived level of control in a state of chaos. Hear me out. Basically, the Quarantine Olympics is ya’ll doing theeee gat damn most on the Twitter, Instagram and Facebook like we are in some sort of competition to maintain our online persona or keep it all together. Let me tell you: I can’t do it. I am a hot mess right now and I’m realizing that I’m okay with that. My mood changes from hour to hour, so I could very well feel different about all of this tomorrow. To expound, here are a few things that I’ve found interesting. 

Things that are causing me to pause

  1. Expertise Overload: Seemingly overnight, there are so many webinars, ebooks and virtual everything coming from the content world. I get it. I’m even doing it myself (shameless plug). As a scrappy business owner, you gotta get in where you fit in. And right now, that is almost entirely online. For who knows how long. But, can I be transparent? I don’t want to watch your webinar right now. I don’t really want to read your e-book. In theory, I do. But in reality, I’m too anxious, depressed and worried to focus on e-learning. I tried though! I really did. Last week I registered and paid for a live stream choreography class. The playback failed and we had to start the stream over several times. I learned a few steps before I got annoyed that the Megan The Stallion track would not sync with the choreo. I logged off and had my fifth quarantine snack of the day. Now I’m out of $5 hard earned bucks. So, I guess keep posting your virtual things. I’ll continue to repost and support. But I may not be going. 

  2. Productivity Shaming/Demanding: This really interesting thing where everyone online seems compelled to either suggest or share the productivity minded tasks that you should take part in during the quarantine. In addition to completing online webinars, we should also be cleaning our closets, garages, reorganizing our pantries, and laying down tile in our bathrooms. This issue is two sided for me, because I know that staying busy and productive can do wonders for your mind as a healthy distraction. My concern is, those that don’t have the flexibility or energy to compete in these household olympics may feel an unnecessary pressure to keep up. Sometimes, you just need to exist. If all you can muster up right now is the strength to get up every day, take a shower and eat a pb&j sandwich, that’s okay. You don’t have to Marie Kondo through this thing. You can take a nap. 

  3. Impact Bubbles: There seems to be a subtle disconnect into the wide variation of how this is impacting one another. As if we are living in our own little bubble. I don’t suspect that it’s intentional. It is simply the nature of being in an individual minded society. Expressions of gratitude for your comfy, work from home life are starting to feel a little more empty and less than empathetic. There’s something about reducing the severity of whats going on to a “mini staycation with your family” that’s uncomfortable. There are so many people that don’t have that luxury right now and I cringe a little bit every time I see that tweet saying “How lucky are we that we can sit in our homes and read and bake and love one another during this time...”. Like, yes that is true but girl - not everyone is sitting around baking cookies and reading Cosmo right now 😂. As someone who recently transitioned out of a cush corporate roll and into an “every man for themselves” entrepreneurial space - I can’t deny the little bit of envy I have for those that are secure about their next check. Meanwhile I’m scrambling to figure out where my next lead is coming from or if I can find a full time job to hold me over until business picks back up.
    I know that it’s not all lucky charms and rainbows for my peers that are WFH right now. Many of them are trying to balance back to back conference calls, copious zoom meetings from their sofas and project deadlines that have not skipped a beat. All the while managing their homes and navigating e-learning with their kids. I cannot even imagine. To my parents out there: you’re the MVP. Still, there is a feeling of conflict when this is portrayed online in such a perfect lens, where chaos is hidden by pretty instagram filters and lovely quotables about our supposed downtime. 

To be clear, I’m not all huff and puff at the moment! There are some things that I am seeing among us that are seriously lighting me up with good energy, and all the feels:

Things I’m loving 

  1. Quality (Face)Time: I’ve connected with my friends and family so much in the past couple of weeks through video chat and talk time. When you remove all of the distractions and get down to it, you realize that you don’t need much. And what you really need is just the good stuff. Chit chats with your girlfriends, jokes with your cousins, laughing with your parents. My friend hosted an IG live wine down that was so refreshing and legit felt like we were all in the same room, talking shit and kickin it with each other. After all of this is over, I hope we keep doing lots of that. 

  2. Creative Bloom: Put us under a little pressure and watch us pivot as needed! I have already witnessed an explosion of art, music and tech innovation. Now, some of y’all need to put the Tik Tok down 😫....jk, I will let you cook. I love the fact that we are being pushed to think creatively and express our talents. My mother and I are competing in a socially distant latch hook crotchet competition. Yes. Read that again. We are taking it old school and ordered these cute little sets to make at home. I’ll post some IG pics of the process and let you guys know who wins! I’m also in the midst of knocking out product photography for a few clients, and I am leaning into the fact that my creative juices are flowing at the moment. The stillness of it all can help with that.

  3. Increased Focus on Healthy Living: A lot of us are cooking more, resting more, taking our vitamins and drinking our water. Man, shouldn’t that have been the focus all along? I have noticed that I am being much more intentional with my food rituals at home. There is no rush to hurry up and grab something before running off to my next meeting or appointment. I’m just taking my time, marinating and sautéing my ass off. Setting the mood with great ambiance, pairing each meal with a good drink. Using five cheese blends. Who do I think I am?! This self proclaimed foodie is vowing to slow down a bit more with a good meal at home. We keeping the fridge STOCKED until further notice (because PTSD and I won’t be caught slippin). Oh, but when that first public brunch hits....we’ll make an exception for that. 

  4. Renewed Focus on Living and Loving: Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s funny how so many of my “mandatory” lifestyle needs are the furthest thing from my mind right now. I don’t care about no Starbucks, no vacation, no clothes. None of that. You know what I miss already? Hugs. (Oh but please believe, I will hit you with the young elbow tap if you try to come at me with a handshake anytime soon. You savage). Anyway, I’m kind of here for all the wholesome love and simple living we’ve got going on right now. 

Lastly, I want to express my condolences to all that have lost a loved one during this time. Thank you, to those that are on the front lines working tirelessly to help us get through this. Everyone one of us is touched by this situation and I truly think we have the opportunity to come out on the other side with a renewed perspective. Whether you’re spending these weeks working, Tik Toking, spring cleaning or simply being - keep an eye on the aspects of your life that really mean the most. Hold those close and press on. 

As for me and my house, if the spirit moves me, I may post some cool content. Maybe a blog or two. Or, I might just sit and stare at the ceiling for a bit. Either way, we’ll keep it moving. Be blessed and stay safe y’all! 

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