Styling with Vignettes: The Power of Three

I want to give some pointers on creating beautiful, eye catching displays. I’m talking all of those gorgeous coffee tables, bookshelves, nightstands and credenzas. There are endless ways you can arrange your trinkets and art. However, lets discuss some arrangements that are proven to draw attention and provide a strong aesthetic - vignettes. 

So whats a vignette? In terms of interior decor, a vignette is a small, pleasing picture formed by grouping several objects. A great way to compose your vignette is to work with odd numbers, especially groups of three. 

Nerdy Sidebar: Geometrically, there is something special about the number three. You see it pop up in many art concepts. In photography, you may have heard about The Rule of Thirds, in which you align your subject along the furthermost third of your image. Three is also the smallest number that can establish a distinguishable pattern. Any odd number grouping can work. Three just has a bit of extra magic. 

Feel free to apply this principle beyond table arrangements. Gallery walls, seating areas, color combinations - all can benefit greatly by using this trick. 

Check out some beautiful examples and more tips for your vignettes here: